Hoppa till huvudinnehåll

Forms and documents

On this page, as a partner, you will find current material. Here we have compiled the documentation our partners need for reporting, information about whistle blowing, documentation for requisition of funds and relevant documents for your continuous follow-up in the project work.

Bild från en workshop om jämställdhet

Reporting 2024

Below you will find the template for the 2024 Annual narrative reporting of your projects or program. Both the narrative and the audited financial report (budget-outcome) shall be sent to your programme officer at Union to Union by 1 March 2025, latest.

Do not forget to include the “Transfer details” sheet as part of the financial report. The financial report must be signed by the organization's authorized signatory and the auditor.


Programme period 2024-2027

Reference material 

Audit instructions 2024

Audit instructions (pdf, 1.28 MB)
Instructions d’audit (pdf, 1.27 MB)
En stoppskylt i Tunisiens huvudstad Tunis

Anti-Corruption work and tools

To report irregularities and/or suspected corruption, please use our mechanism for Whistle Blowing. Information in english will be found below the swedish text on the target page.

En bild på byggarbetare som lastar tegelstenar

Request for Funding

Rekvisition_EN_2025.xls (xls, 76.5 KB)
Bild från samarbetsprojekt för arkitekter i Kenya


Assessment of financial and administrative capacities

Before signing an agreement for transfer of funds it is mandatory to conduct a financial and administrative assessment of the partners that will receive the funds. Union to Union assesses its agreement partners (Global Unions and Swedish affiliates). It is the responsibility of these partners to conduct an assessment on subsequent levels if funds are transferred further. These templates have been made to assist our partner organisations to do this.  They can be used as they are or the questions can be integrated into the partners own templates. As a general rule all the questions in the template need to be addressed in the assessment.

Sample field agreement 

In accordance with the requirements of Union to Union, when funds are transferred to another partner organisation within the project chain, the Swedish unions and Global unions must sign an agreement with that organisation. These sample agreements have been made as examples to be used by our partner organisations.

Foto tagen ovanifrån på en mobil, hörlurar, kaffekopp, krukväxt och anteckningsblock med Union to Unions logga på framsidan

Tools for development projects

Here you can find guidelines and policies for the development cooperation.

Financial and administrative organisational assessment

Guidelines and templates for administrative and financial assessments of partners (coming soon, to be updated)

Thematic analysis

In the application for projects that are carried out it must be stated at both program and project level, which analyses that have been carried out in the following areas: Equality, conflict, poverty, environment and climate and rights perspective.


Union to Union also recommends Sidas web site: Metoder-och-material

Guidelines for project evaluations

Please use the following templates for Sida financed projects


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