Female coffee sorters in Uganda on their way to the sorting house at Mbale.
This is Union to Union
Union to Union is the Swedish union movement's joint international cooperation development organisation. Our work focuses on creating strong democratic trade unions and more decent jobs globally.
About us
Our operations are rights-based and we work together with the international trade union movement and its over 200 million members. A Just Transition, the informal economy, migrant workers and gender equality are some of our focus areas.
Union to Union’s vision is a world in which trade union and other human rights in working life are respected, protected and ensured. This means giving all workers the opportunity to come together to improve their situation in the belief that acting as an organised group is more effective than acting alone. Our strategy 2022-2027 provides the main direction and priorities for our work.
As a secular, non-partisan, and non-profit organisation we gather the whole Swedish trade union movement into one organisation. Our role is to coordinate and support LO (Swedish Trade Union Confederation), TCO (Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees), Saco (Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations) and their affiliates in international trade union development cooperation. Our organisation was established in 1977 as LO-TCO Biståndsnämnd. Saco joined in 2015, and the name changed to Union to Union.
How we work
Union to Union’s work is primarily geared towards building up the capacity of unions in low and middle-income countries for organising, negotiating, advocacy work and promoting gender equality and democracy. Our partners are usually Global Union Federations and trade unions.
We perform our work via a wide-ranging network consisting of Union to Union and Swedish trade unions, which carry out the projects in cooperation with Global Union Federations. The focus is on strengthening local trade unions in countries where poverty is widespread.

Illustration: Lisa Jansson
Where do we work?
Union to Union supports 60 projects in 64 low- and middle-income countries around the world. Our projects are carried out together with trade union partners in Sweden, Latin America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and the Eastern Europe.
Contact us
Union to Union
Upplandsgatan 3,
111 23 Stockholm
Phone: +46 (0)8 798 00 00
Email: info [at] uniontounion.org (info[at]uniontounion[dot]org)
For media inquiries, please contact:
Anna Kakuli
Phone: +46 (0)70 884 73 38
Email: anna.kakuli [at] uniontounion.org (anna[dot]kakuli[at]uniontounion[dot]org)
Do you suspect misconduct?
To report irregularities and/or suspected corruption, please use our mechanism for Whistle Blowing. Send an e-mail to complaintsmechanism [at] uniontounion.org (complaintsmechanism[at]uniontounion[dot]org) with full confidentiality.